Luggage delay and compensation

It happens!
Unfortunately you are usually unaware what your rights are from the airline or from your travel insurance. I looked into a case recently where BA terms and conditions said you should buy whatever was essential. Does that meant a new ski jacket? You can easily hire skis and boots whilst you wait for yours to arrive but it’s harder to hire clothing. When I studied the ts and cs of one travel insurance it said you had to be delayed for 5hours before you could spend £10 and for 10 hours before you could spend £20 so they weren’t going to be of much use!
One thing is certain,every airline and every insurer will be different and so unless you can read the small print it’s better not to shop big time when your kit is delayed until you find out.It might be wise to travel in your ski jacket and carry essentials in your hand luggage. Be aware of the complete postal address & telephone number of your accommodation because the airline will need it if they are going to forward your luggage to you

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