Ski gear doesn’t have to be expensive

Ski gear can be eye wateringly expensive especially if you choose a designer brand but it doesn’t have to be. Lots of high street shops now sell ski gear much more reasonably even Lidl and Aldi have a special ski week now and again. Sadly many people start skiing and then don’t go again or grow out of their gear or whatever and it ends up in the charity shops. Sensible shops store it during the summer and then bring it all out in the autumn and make an event of it. Ask your local charity shop when they will be doing this.
Skis, boots and helmets can all be hired in resort until you know enough to decide to buy but there are some things that are important to buy in UK. Always make sure you have good gloves it’s very important to stay warm it doesn’t matter if they are borrowed or 2nd hand but they must be special ski gloves and very warm if you are going in the colder months
Singlesport guests are very welcome to discuss all these pros & cons before they travel

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